Association for the Rescue of the St. Oswald Fortifications and Parish Church

In 2004, mine councilor Harold Umfer established the “Association for the Rescue of the St. Oswald Fortifications and Parish Church”. After 10 years of building- and restoration work at St. Oswald, rescue of the facility was officially completed in August 2014. The association then rechristened itself the “Association for the Preservation of the St. Oswald Fortifications and Parish Church “ and mine councilor Umfer handed over the reins of chairmanship to master builder Gregor Ruckhofer. Since 2004, pastor Anton Reinprecht has stood side-by-side with the association, actively involved in all of its planning efforts.

What have we done?

Ing. Gregor Ruckhofer

Chairman (ret.)
Bergrat DI Harold Umfer

Pastor (ret.)
Mag. Ing. Anton Reinprecht

Mag. Johannes Freitag MBA

Deputy Chairman
Robert Reiter

Johannes Talaber

Deputy Treasurer
Franz Hadler

Dr. Friedrich Hainzl

Deputy Secretary
Reinhard Plassnegger