Fortified Church of St. Oswald
.. from high above, into the depths below
It is a story that moves us. The story of a mountain and its ORE,
a town with its people, of a fort with its church.
The ERZBERG shaped us, fed us, and so much more,
it made our town what it was, and what it is today.
The toil and sweat of generations lie deep within the mine tunnels of our mountain,
in the creation of our town, and in the walls of our fortified church
This story is truly unique, and that’s why we want to tell it!
A new home for the “discarded” – renovation of the Mesner Tower
It is now more than 50 years since the last members of the Mesner family left the ancient walls of St. Oswald. Now, the former “Mesner Tower” is being transformed into a different kind of home: a home for those who were moved out of the church more than 100 years ago – the “discarded” saints that once resided in the baroque interior.
But until then, there is still a lot to do!
After completing a full renovation program, the fortified church is now being made more accessible to a broader public.
A newly created walking tour allows you to gain new insights and perspectives on the church. Existing features are cast in a new light, and even enhanced with the addition of modern elements.
We are overwhelmed by just how many people
have supported this project to rescue our fortified church. And who continue to do so!
Through their financial contributions, over the past 12 years we were able to invest
a total of 1.3 million euro in restoration of this architectural jewel
at the foot of the Erzberg.
May God bless you all!